Tuesday, December 20, 2011

for yesterday

I think we all have this image in our minds of how life is suppose to be... when really there is no perfect way to life. It's completely bitter sweet. I am entirely grateful for the bitter but somehow I just want it to always be sweet, wouldn't that be nice? Things definitely have a funny way of working out. Just when you think you're starting to get back on your own two feet and move one step closer to the real you... the unexpected happens. You start to feel stronger and wiser and then you break. You break down and you then feel like you just took ten steps back. It's hard when you read words because it's just that... they're only words. You want to believe anything that is said to you, take it, lock it up... and keep it forever, but that isn't how it works. Words require action in order to have meaning. My life right now is probably the most complicated that it has ever been for several reasons. I know that I am teetering back and forth trying to decide what is best for me, and sometimes I feel like I honestly don't know. One day you want this, the next you want that... but you don't always get what you want and that's hard to swallow. What I truly want is for everyone to be happy... even if they've done you wrong or they don't necessarily deserve it. Everyone deserves some sort of happiness in their lives. I wish I could make things better for everyone but I know I can't, it's completely unrealistic... but that's my wish. I wish happy ending for all.

"So this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I am still trying to figure out how that can be." - The Perks of Being a Wallflower

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