Sunday, July 31, 2011

Let it be...

Sometimes I think I should have born sometime in the 70's. A time where people had a sense of depth. A time where there was passion in the world. A time when peace was prominent. A time when music had meaning - John Lennon, Paul MacCartney (The Beatles), Bob Dylan, Queen. Instead I've adapted the habits of facebooking and cell phones. I've really been trying to stear away from facebook, in fact both - or technology of any kind. I say that as I'm writing a blog... ha. But you get what I mean. I can't stand the drama that is on Facebook... daily. Or the sayings that people say such as, "I never get jealous when I see my ex with someone else, because my parents always taught me to give my used toys to the less fortunate." Seriously people? I think there are a lot more things to be worried about in life. No one cares, period. No one has respect for people these days - it's so sad. Always degrading to make themselves feel superior, being selfish because they want to get ahead of the game. Everything is about ME, ME, ME. People have no idea what it means to be selfless and giving. Back then it seems that people fought for what is right, and they had to do it the hard way.... with hard work and dedication. It's so easy to appologize to someone over a text message or say things that 'you don't mean,' which is honestly why I never text. In fact... I'm a terrible texter...I let my phone die so I can have a reason not to text someone. Life seems so good without it sometimes. Even television for that matter... sure I like my occasional The Bachelor or E! news but I've come to the terms that I'm no longer watching t.v. before bed or while in bed. Such a distraction. In my down time I'd RATHER go for a walk, sit outside, be with my family - enjoy things that have meaning. Focus on the positive in my life... because guess what? There are things we cannot change no matter how hard we try. No matter how much we want something back or things to be different... they won't be. Let it be.

"And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree,
there will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see,
there will be an answer. let it be."

"Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


life comes at you fast, doesn't it? more often then not we experience something unexpected. sure, somethings are inevitable, but you don't want to make those things part of your daily focus. you want to see the good in all that's around and thrive off of it. but sometimes things happen that we don't want... and it isn't always pretty and it's very difficult to see the good in such. not only does it make you a stronger person but it makes you someone you never thought you could be. someone with beauty and strength. within the last few days a couple things have happend, and i have seen people be stronger than they ever thought possible. with that... anything is possible.
each and every person should start focusing on something they can do to make the world a better place. start with a lot less judging, assuming, negative acts, etc. and end with a lot more kindness, love, and devotion. it's so easy to be a cold hearted person yet it's so hard to be nice? it seems as if it takes a lot more effort to pick out the bad parts of a person than it is to pick out the good. but just remember, those of you who judge have just as many if not more negative qualities about themselves than those being judged. start by looking at the compassion of a person in their eyes, their smile, their touch. search for something in their voice, and deep within their heart, because every single person does have something to offer.
make someone always feel loved, never hold back. create memories that last forever. and have a connection with people you never thought, because they may just change your life.

"out past the cars on the railway
out past the city's finery
we see our breath and connection
underneath these gravel lines"

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I know I shouldn't be so cruel... and I'm not sure this is neccessarily cruel... but just ultimately peeving. Besides it's MY blog and I can say/blog about all I want, right?

ONE - WhEn PeoPle tYpE LiKe ThIS....

Seriously? I don't understand one bit. I'm almost positive that was a fad about a good 5-8 years ago, I'm not certain, but I am pretty sure. Plus... it hurts my eyes. So people, please stop.

TWO - r u wit yur boii???

Okay, I'm not the spelling nazi or anything but THAT is just obnoxious. First off, what's a 'boii'? Oh, you mean BOY? In that case yes I am with my 'boy.' Second, 'wit' and 'yur' it just looks terrible. Period.

THREE - Those awful bedazzled jeans people are still wearing.

Haven't most people heard that the simpler it is the better? That's typically always the case, and especially in this one. Make it easy on the eyes for all of us, would ya you bedazzler jeans people? This also goes for the bedazzled shirts.

FOUR - When people do NOTHING but cause/complain about drama on the FB.

Usually no one cares... and if they do, talk to them personally. Don't post that shiz all over the Face. It's annoying and all you're wanting is attention. No one likes attention whores. Literally 2/3 of my FB friends have nothing but drama and it's getting a wwwwittle bit annoying. Okay, maybe not 2/3 but a fair amount. Just sayin'. Whether they realize they're drama or not... they should double check their status before posting.

okkkkkkkay. I am done. whew! I feel better. :)
Have a fab night, all.