Monday, October 24, 2011

this is paralyzed

Last couple days I haven't felt myself. At all. I need some cheering up to do, I'm rather good at faking it though. A lot has been spinning through my mind and at the end of the day it just seemed mottled  in the back of my mind with no change. You know that feeling, in the back of your throat, where you literally just want to cry? Yeah, that's the feeling I'm talking about. It's crazy how one simple thought can cause a chain reaction throughout your mind and it then seems never ending. Half the time I don't even know why I feel this way, the other half I know exactly why. It's strange how we perceive certain aspects of our lives and run with that perception.

However, always in the back of my mind there is that voice of hope that even though I feel this way, it'll pass and it'll always be okay in the end whether we agree with the outcome or not. And I am so grateful for these moments - because it helps me appreciate when things are at it's pure bliss.

If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutley everything is ready, we shall never begin.

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