Friday, October 7, 2011


I'm not a person that gets too addicted to things besides music; however, Pinterest has stole my heart. It literally takes everything I have to not get on it. This past week and a half has been especially bad, because of my surgery I haven't been able to do much, nor do I have the desire. I'm actually quite content sitting home on achilly  Friday evening, computer in lap and a nice movie. Anyway, if you have Pinterest you know how addicting it is. I love finding styles or pieces of clothing that I match to or finding new yummies to make (not sure if that is a good thing). I even love finding things that I could possibly use for my future, silly I know, but I know when that time comes I'll say, "I wish I would have pinned that." And what I love most is that I don't feel and weird as I thought I was. I see things all the time that I think, "hey I think/thought/do that, too!" so funny.
Here are some things I pin.
What do you find pinteresting?

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