Monday, April 18, 2011

lime in the coconut

 i recently have found myself a new friend. organic virgin coconut oil. holy heck. this stuff is so good! i literally have been making errrrrything with it. shrimp, chicken, curry, drinks, and steaks. it's amazing. i think everybody should try it. you won't regret it. plus - it's unbelievably good for you. who knew. TRY IT!


  1. Sam! this stuff does GREAT things for your body! it breaks the yeast down that builds up in your body. yeast is one thing that makes weight loss hard for some people. i LOVE cooking with this stuff.

  2. oh my i know! it seriously is so amazing! i am obsessed with it! literally. i'm so glad you like it, too! :) miss you girl.

  3. I'm also creeping your blog ;) haha but this stuff is AMAZING for your hair! Seriously, try it! Put it through your ends & sleep with it on. Your hair will be silky smooth & so shiny in the morning when you wash it out!

  4. haha i'm not mad about it! you're like my new friend. haha but I've heard that! I have coconut conditioner... but i haven't ever put the ACTUAL stuff in. I'm def. going to have to try that!
