Tuesday, March 29, 2011

change of pace

i know latley i have been talking a lot about being more positive, change, being happy... blah blah blah. we'll here i am once more - to complain. today was one of those days where you just want to cry. i am so overwhelmed with school i honestly can't even take it. i have so many papers due... i counted the amount of pages all together i have to write by april 12th.... ready?......... 39. that's right folks... you heard me, 39 pages. with not one but TWO presentations. f-me, right? talk about overload. today i honestly considered changing my major. sociology doesn't seem that hard... but it's probably thee hardest thing i could have picked for myself. it is so philosophical, i have zero idea what is being said or what i have to get out of the conversation. the hardest part for me is that i work my buns off to get my work done - which by the way i do, but i don't get the grade i was hoping for nor do i have a social life. and by the end of the week i want to do nothing but sit there because i am so exhausted between working days, school some mornings and every night, and then homework when i get home. poor ron, he always wants to do fun things and i'm such a bum that i just wanna sleep or watch tv. i. am. lame. and.......... that is only if i don't have a shiz load of homework. i should be doing my homework right now as we speak but i am so sick and tired of it. i'm just burned out. i want to do something that inspires me... that makes me excited about what i am learning or doing. thus far school has done zero of that for me. i wish i could just be a self employeed interior designer or go to culinary school and cook. i mean i guess i still could... but the last three years would be a total waste. what's a girl to do.........

i'm done venting.
here is a song that always helps me feel fine. :)
hope you like it.

you're welcome.


  1. I'm feelin ya...I'm so behind in school too! I just keep plugging away, trying to do a certain minimum a day. You can do it! :)


  2. It's the worst huh!? but thanks for the encouragment girl! :) mucho appreciated! same goes to you. :)
